Yeah well. I should've posted the plasma gun tutorial, but I took the photos for it with my cousin's camera and now he's away. >.>
Anyways, I've finally finished painting my Conscripts, but they're not fully based yet, so I'll hold on with the photos. Expect some soon, along with not published before pics of the Basilisk, and possibly an advanced WIP or even finished Leman Russ.
Out of the other news 42nd Cadian has fought valiantly on many battlefields recently and on Monday scored it's first ranked victory (for a local league) against Space Marines, that clearly did not see the Light of the Emperor anymore. Glory to the Imperium!
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That's it, I got rid of my Vostroyans, save for the command squad. Was a platoon + regiment. Now I got over 40 Cadians to stick together (mostly done...), convert (ugh) and then... paint. It's hard to do these 20 Conscripts, so it might take a while...
Later today or tomorrow I'm going to post the first tutorial - how to make plasma guns for Imperial Guard. Maybe I'll get around to the fic too. I wanted to post some photos of the new guys, but for now they just look like heaps of plastic, nothing fancy. Also I'm going to finally put the order in Forge World, hopefully getting my kit soon and then I'm just one Demolisher away from complete 2000 army. :)
Jest nas coraz więcej!
Tak, pozbyłem się swoich Vostroyan, oprócz Command Squadu. Pluton + Regiment. Teraz mam ponad 40 Cadian do sklejenia (prawie gotowe), skonwertowania (ugh) i... pomalowania. Ciężko idzie z tymi 20 konskryptami, a co dopiero z tym...
Później dziś albo jutro zamieszczę pierwszy tutorial - jak zrobić plazmę dla gwardii. Może dopiszę coś do opowiadania... Chciałem wrzucić fotki nowych, ale to tylko kupki plastiku, nic ciekawego. Poza tym wreszcie złożę zamówienie w Forge World'zie i miejmy nadzieję wkrótcę dostanę ten zestaw, a wtedy jestem tylko o jednego Demolishera od armii na 2000. :)
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Haven't posted for a while, struggling with the Conscripts. It's hard to myself to get to it really... Since I have nothing interesting to say, nor I feel like writing on the fanfic or doing something else fluff-related I've been planning on, I'll just be cheap and post my "new" army list. If you want to comment, go ahead, that is, if anyone reads this. The list is going to be tested in the heat of battle against Tyranids on Friday, but it's not specifically anti-nid, it's just a general list of "what to collect and roughly play with".
-Regimental Organisation: Drop Troops
-Restricted Troops: Conscript Platoons
-Skills and Drills: Light Infantry
-Skills and Drills: Veterans
-Skills and Drills: Iron Discipline
Command Platoon
Command Squad
Heroic Senior Officer - Bolt Pistol, Trademark Item (Monocle), Iron Discipline
Standard Bearer
Plasma Gun
Conscript Platoon
Conscripts (20)
Infantry Platoon
Command Squad
Junior Officer - Bolt Pistol, Iron Discipline
Plasma Gun x2
Infantry Squad
Plasma Gun, Autocannon, Light Infantry
Infantry Squad
Plasma Gun, Lascannon, Light Infantry
Infantry Squad
Plasma Gun, Lascannon, Light Infantry
Infantry Platoon
Command Squad
Junior Officer - Bolt Pistol, Iron Discipline
Grenade Launcher x2
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher
Hardened Veterans (5)
Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon
Plasma Gun x3
Hardened Veterans (5)
Melta Gun x3
Smoke Launchers
Extra Armour
Seraphim Squad (5)
Veteran Superior - Eviscerator, Book of St. Lucius
Leman Russ Battle Tank
3x Bolter
Extra Armour
Smoke Launchers
Indirect Fire
I'm not translating this, what's the point?
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42nd Cadian Background
I Hate Right Hands
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- Part one: The Basics
- Part two: The Dark Box of Wonders
- Part three: Don't Eat the Green Stuff
- Part four: We've Seen Lots 'o Fights
- Part five: Don't Drink the Paints
The Work Done
Tactica Imperialis
My Blog List
Aetherpunk281 week ago
Musica5 months ago
Paint Scheme - Kharadron Overlords5 years ago
Going back to Middle Earth6 years ago
291: Tomb Raiders6 years ago
Farrow Brigands 27 years ago
Consolidating Colors9 years ago
Master Engineer [WIP]10 years ago
Hobby time. Kingdom Death & Battle Systems10 years ago
IG Wyvern built and ready to paint10 years ago
Taurox Update10 years ago
Infinity: Tohaa Trident11 years ago
Building the Gundam - 0811 years ago
Progress! On A Small Scale12 years ago
Games Day 2010 Pics14 years ago
Blood Pact looted Hydra15 years ago