At long last, the much anticipated plasma gun tutorial is here! A complete tutorial with photos on how to make the gun most of you seemed to like quite a bit. Just a side not, I'll give credit where it belongs. The first person to come up with that is Mistrz wałków at the forums. I took his idea and modified it a bit to my liking. Anyway, here goes!
First, a list of things you will need:
-A lasgun, can be with an arm attached or not, whichever you need/want.
-A Space Marines plasma pistol.
-A vox caster backpack - Which might not be too feasible if you use voxes, they might be considered too similar. This bit is actualy optional, but looks better with it, especially if you do not use the real voxes.-And some wire, not too thich, prefereably quite flexible, unless you want to go through the pains of adjusting it so that it looks realistic.
You will also need:
-Some green stuff
-A modelling knife
-Some files
-A modelling drill helps nicely too.
Okay, first take the lasgun and cut off the parts marked red. As a general rule in the tutorial, red marked parts can be thrown away, unless you can find a use for them, green one are needed and should be kept.
The lasgun should look like this (minus the glue stains!):Notice the bottom is cut a bit too. Disregard that for now.
Next, the vox caster backpack. As above, cut off the red parts, but do not damage the green one! It will be needed.
You should cut off the green part and glue it to the spot marked with green line. It should look like this:
Third step is to prepare the plasma pistol. Basicalle cut the hand out and then cut it along two lines. Keep all the parts but the hand.
Here's the desired effect:
Now use, the files and flatten the the top surface of the cut lasgun and stick the cooling system part onto it:
Now using the knife and file flatten the front of both parts connected. Then glue the top part in front:
Now you should cut the bottom of the lasgun so that it fits the shape of the plasma pistol. In the end file the seam a bit.
Now take the final part of the pistol left. File off the recrangle at the bottom of the lasgun and stick that part there this way:
Now you're more or less done and you could just fill the gaps with green stuff and stop there. But if you want to go further:
Drill the holes in the plasma gun and the backpack as shown below:
Here where the red dot is.
Now take some green stuff. This is about the right ammount, it ended up being slightly too much, but that's okay. You can do gap filling at the same time too.
Make a blob out of the green stuff and stick it on top of the gun's butt. Shape it more or less like that:
Now it's actually advisable to wait till the green stuff cures a bit. Once that is done, the "tough" part. Your knife has to be sharp and wet for this to work, or you'll ruin it. Though don't worry, you can always recreate the blob and try again.
Cut off the excess putty and shape it better. Also try to make the outer rim matching the plastic one:
Now just make some cuts as though the outer rim continued:
You don't have to be perfectly accurate with flattening the putty actually. Once it cures completely you can just use a file to finish it.
Now all that's left to do is to put the wire into both drilled holes. Adjust the length of the wire accordingly. Not too short, or the guardsmen wouldn't be able to use the weapon properly. Not too long or he could trip over it!
Here you go, that's everything. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll find it useful!
Go on, how long did that take you?
Excellent bit of converting mate, kudos to you!
where do you get all your plasma pistols? Im trying to make some out of GS, its curing at the minute so Ill make a note about how it turns out on my blog soon
Craig @ cadian8th
If you're a marine player, you'll probably have tons in your bits box, otherwise just ask around at your local store, someone'll likely oblige with an exchange.
Very nice tutorial, sir. The photos are nice and detailed, which is great.
Very detailed and easy to understand. Great tutorial.
I just made two of them. I didnt cut the end off the plasma pistol but I managed to loose the two half circle bits. I also did something difrent with my vox casters. I havnt gotten to wiring it yet, but it should look good.
Now I remember where I got the inspiration for my plasma gun backpack. I've updated my blog entry to point here. Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you very much for posting and sharing this great article. It is so interesting for me
Thaanks for posting this
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