I've finally finished the Manticore construction! I got a bit carried away while creating it and as such I forgot to take stage-by-stage pictures, sorry! However I still have a couple, here they are.
These are the shots of the Manticore after all the modelling with plasticard and bits has been finished, from various angles. You can also see the Psyker Chimera in the background, however it's not finished in them. I have it done too though and will post some pics as soon as I paint it up, together with the Psykers!
As usual, there's more shots if you only click below.
If you're wondering, the radar is, in fact, an inverted searchlight.. Missles are stolen from Valks, as I have mentioned. The other bits come from various random leftover vehicle parts.
Also, you ptobably noticed I carved into the sides and made them thinner - like the new Chimera chassis. I like the look of that and thought it'd be fun to try and do it. It isn't as straight as I wanted though... but I guess it's good enough.
These shots have been taken after the work with Green Stuff has been completed and as such, it's the complete model, awaiting undercoating!
Yep, those missles aren't finished in that picture, but they will be for the final model!
And that's it for today! I'd lvoe to hear your opinions. As it is now, the Manticore is undercoated and painted with base colours. To move on however, I will need to buy a bit more paint...
Also, have you seen these? They're simple awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on those kits!
3 months ago