After a week of really hard work...
It's not perfect, far from it. But it was hell of a lot fun making (when we weren't dead tired), and quite decent for a first movie ever made!
1 week ago
After a week of really hard work...
It's not perfect, far from it. But it was hell of a lot fun making (when we weren't dead tired), and quite decent for a first movie ever made!
Sorry, those of us in Germany arn't allowed to watch it....
Oh that's strange. It's some inner youtube shennanigans though, I can't do anything about it. Apparently germans are not allowed to listen to A-Team theme.
Try using a proxy?
Great stuff mate, amazing
Jesteś zdrowo niezdrowy... :D
Kurcze powinni zebrac kilku takich fanatyków jak Ty.. zapłacić im solidne pieniądze i zrobić film o IG.
pozdr. miszczu
Stunning. I couldn't even begin to conceive of how to do this!
Great work - really brilliant movie, especially for a first timer.
Thanks for all the kind comments guys! Me and the lady appreciate it. :)