I promised it a while back and here it is. At first I wanted to just show you the new additions to the Infantry Platoon, but in the end I decided to just take shots of it all once more, especially since last time it wasn't quite finished. Here we go!
You know, looking at nearly fully painted army (just a few tidbits remaining, really! Of course till I make more purchases *cough*) is really a great sight. I always find something to criticize when I look at my own minis but when they're all put together it surely is a great sight! I'm really happy I can share it with you. Let's get started then!
This is the first family shot of the entire platoon. It's really hard to take a pic of such a vast ammount of minis at the same time, so just one such. As usual, click below for way more shots.
Here's the command of the 2nd platoon. As you may notice my FW officer has swapped commanding positions. Nowadays I don't field 1st Platoon at all. I don't really have use for such a huge ammounts of plasma and Lascannons and since I love the model I moved it to where he can see the action.
And here the 1st and 3rd.
Here's the 2nd and 4th Infantry Squads.That's Special Weapons Squad A:
And B. Both totting twin demo charges and a flamer. That's quite some destructive power, just sometimes they have a problem of getting where they're needed.Now for slightly more detailed shots. The commanders of the 2nd Platoon, the Platoon Commander and his sarges!
The demolitionists from both SWSes.
And the flamers from the command squad. I really like the way these turn out, just like I love grenade launchers.
And lastly, the heavy weapons of the Platoon - Autocannons!
Aaaaand that's it for today. Sorry for slow updates but I've been busy with some things like preparing a Warhammer Fantasy RPG adventure and laying out plans for my (or rather my and my cousin's) wargaming table! I'm going to report progress on how's it going along, but if you're interested in this subject as well I really reccomend this post by Itkovian, it's a great source of information!
Out of the other news, the final installement of IHRH is coming soon. The very last guardsmen will be finally finished too! Okay, okay, I know, I even am building an additional vet squad but that's going to take a while more. Actually, if you know where to get a left-handed power fist that could fit a guardsman please let me know! Also, if you ahve any suggestions/questions/requests regarding further or current IHRH aricles please let me know!
I also promised to post something more about that side project. And to write some fluff. Gosh, so much work, the toil for the good of the Imperium never ends! But that sure is pleasant toil.
Thanks for reading and until next time!
Very clean and crisp painting. And I agree with Oni - the basing is greatly evocative, especially for the HW Teams.
Very nice clean lines on the paint, and especially great job on the heavy weapon squads' basing! Love the barbed wire.
A good lefthanded powerfist - if you can find it - is from the ancient Eldar weapons sprue. If you shave off the spirit stones and add an aquila it would look excellent on a female character, what with the finer, more feminine look it has about it.
That is an inspiring sight.
I really love the basing across the board, but especially on your heavy weapon lads.
Also, a good use of the FW bits and bobs.
Awesome job.
Painted armies always look better arranged en mass. Everything about this army is great!
Im sad to see its almost over... cant wait for the second Vet squad to come!
Cheers for the comments guys. It really makes me very happy reading all those positive opinions!
It's coming up! Half of it's at like 80% completion, so they surely will be ready by the end of the next week.
Hmm, thanks for the tip, but I'm not sure we've got such old-time Eldar players... I'll have to take a look and if not well... I still have some green stuff..
By the way, a package arrived this morning, at last after a month delay (Hooray GW posting!), containing regimental advisors. I'm sure going to have a lot of fun painting them up, since they look awesome.
The Leader drawing his weapon, did you custom make this or where did you get it?
Awesome army collection! I love the characters.
Thank you for sharing this amazing post. keep up the great work
I really appreciate everything that you do specially to us.
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