And so it begins. My Space Wolves are well along the way coming to a nice ammount of a bit over 1000 points now! It's about time to show unveil them and share with all of you!
I have decided to go with an existing Great Company, simply because I didn't really like the idea of modifying fluff to my needs by executing a Wolf Lord and I didn't really feel like some Imperial outcasts that could be classed as the 13th co. Out of those two caught my immidiate attention: Sven Bloodhowl and Kjarl Grimblood. In the end I decided the first one simply sounded cooler and gave me way more flexibility in army building.
I have cooked up a list I'm aiming to collect right now, let me sha... Okay, okay. I know you want to see the minis first, so here goes!
This is a sample Grey Hunter. Truth to be said he's also the only Grey Hunter and the only Wolf painted so far... But I think he turned out reeeeaaally well and if I manage to keep that up across the board the army will be an eyecandy I am intending to make!
Of course that's not the only picture. Click below, as usual, for way more content!
A couple of other shots of the very same Marine.
Here a skulll on his backpack. I'm not entirely the fan of the method it was painted with (I am painting my Wolves exactly as described in a White Dwarf article) so I might modify it a bit later. A scary freehand of Sven Bloodhowl's Company mark.
And a closeup on the pelt! That element I particularly like, just like the face.
I would love to hear your opinions about the model, its base and everything! But of course, that's not all. Here is the entire pack of the Grey Hunter above!
As you can see I started working on them somewhat... If you look closer at their faces you might see that I am keeping closely to the fluff described in the book...
Here is the second Grey Hunter pack I've got.
And now for something more awesome - the Wolf Guard Terminators! I've seen that a lot of lists is pulling away from those or making them into a min-max squad, but I love those models so much there's no way I'm not going to field them. As you can see they boast twin Frost Blade/Storm Shields and twin Combi-meltas/Power Fists (the grey fella is still missing his combi-weapon - they're extrememly hard to get their hands on!) accompanied by Wolf Guard carrying a Cyclone Missile Launcher and a Wolf Claw. If you followed the blog you might've met him... a while ago..
A small Wolf Scouts pack. Not _that_ interesting, but what's going to be interesting is their bases. Maybe you can make out what's going to be on them from the two middle ones?
And now... Behold, the Wolf Lord Sven Bloodhowl in the flesh... and a suit of Terminator Armor! He might only be assembled from ready elements without pretty much any converting, but the parts were so excellent I simply didn't see the need to do that at all! The paintjob however will have to be special here...
Finally a converted piece - a Rune Priest! I decided that the axe didn't really say "Runic Weapon" to me. The sword from the Wolf Pack sprue however...!
And last, but not the least the only vehicle I currently have - a humble Drop Pod.Not much there... Though the interior is almost fully painted - just enough to glue it together! Here, have a peek.
There will be much more detailed shots of this later, when the Drop Pod is finished entirely.
Almost forgot about the list, here it is, or rather, they are, for I am unsure which variant will fare better:
HQ: Wolf Lord - TDA, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield, Wolf tooth Necklace, Saga of the Bear 225
HQ: Rune Priest 100
Elites: Wolf Guard Pack
1. TDA, Cyclone, Claw 68
2. TDA, Combi-Melta, Fist 48
3. TDA, Combi-Melta, Fist 48
4. TDA, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield 63
5. TDA, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield 63
6. PA, Thunderhammer 43
7. PA, Thunderhammer 43
8. PA, Fist, Combi-melta 43
Elites: Wolf Scouts Pack(5) - Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 100
Troops: Grey Hunter Pack(8 ) +WG#6 - Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 140
Rhino 35
Troops: Grey Hunter Pack(8 ) +WG#7 -Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 140
Rhino 35
Troops: Grey Hunter Pack(8 ) +WG#8 -Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 140
Drop Pod 35
Hvy Sup: Long Fang Pack(6) - 2xHB, 3xML 130
Razorback 40
Hvy Sup: Land Raider Redeemer - MM 250
HQ: Wolf Lord - TDA, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield, Wolf tooth Necklace, Saga of the Bear 225
HQ: Rune Priest 100
Elites: Wolf Guard Pack
1. TDA, Cyclone, Claw 68
2. TDA, Combi-Melta, Fist 48
3. TDA, Combi-Melta, Fist 48
4. TDA, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield 63
5. TDA, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield 63
6. PA, Thunderhammer 43
7. PA, Thunderhammer 43
8. PA, Fist, Combi-melta 43
9. PA, Fist, Combi-melta 43
Drop Pod 35
Elites: Wolf Scouts Pack(5) - Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 100
Troops: Grey Hunter Pack(8) +WG#6 - Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 140
Rhino 35
Troops: Grey Hunter Pack(8) +WG#7 - Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 140
Rhino 35
Troops: Grey Hunter Pack(8) +WG#8 - Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 140
Drop Pod 35
Troops: Grey Hunter Pack(8) +WG#9 - Mark of the Wulfen, Melta 140
Drop Pod 35
Hvy Sup: Long Fang Pack(6) +WG#1 - 2xHB, 3xML 130
Razorback 40
Aand that's it for today! I hope you liked those and, as usual, I would love to hear your opinions! Also, sorry for the delay in the posts recently. I simply don't have as much time as I used to have...
1 week ago