Just a quick post to let you know, that the 42nd Cadian is not dead yet! I had a tough ending of a semester at my uni which left me with very little time to dabble with the blog, but it's all over now and a new wave of updates will commence shortly!
I've managed to get some free time and, for instance, the Grey Hunter pack you can see below, is more-or-less finished. I'm just looking up various ways of weathering now to apply (or not, if I change my mind) to the models. Pictures will come soon! From the other news I have finally ordered some fine rides for the Wolves! Expect a project log from those as I have a couple of conversion ideas in my head! Unfortunately, most weren't in stock, so I have to wait up to two weeks till delivery.
From the other things - I'm going to quite a big 40k tournament on Saturday - my first ever! I'll be sure to bring a full report with pictures included! Lastly, there is another Vostroyan commision coming soonish. And looking at the tournament list, it seems I have to finish up work on 303rd Vet Squad. Shotguns off Space Wolf Scouts are surely going to come in hand... And I need me one more Chimera, if I'll be able to afford one, the new kit looks quite interesting.
1 week ago