After such a long time promising to post it, it's finally here. The third Chimera of the 42nd, one belonging to the Psyker Battle Squad!
As I have said previously, it isn't really that much special. It's converted only slightly. I toyed with an idea of a heavy conversion, perhaps a different paintjob... But then I thought not to.
The first reason was, that I enjoy the sight of a uniform Guard army, with all the units being similar and looking like a proper army! A different color Chimera (I though black or purplish, like the Psykers' robes) would break the uniformity, especially considering I only had 3! Perhaps if I had more...
That didn't stop slighty Psyker-ish conversions to appear all over it however. You can see a funny chain with a skull here.
And obviously lots of parchments and scriptured, to keep their great little minds safe.
A little closeup on the parchments. The idea of using red to break the plain black text was turned out excellent on the Psykers themselves, thus it is used here as well.
Do Not Enter If Your Head Is Not Prone To Exploding Or Demonic Possession notice.
As I said before, nothing so very special but still looks quite good and ties in great with the rest of the army. Now the times changed a little and since I more or less finished the Wolves, I am back to expanding the Guard. If I knew I would do this, I probably would've went differently about this project, especially considering the new Chimeras are slightly different..
2 weeks ago